[RFI] Aims 5000 Watt MSW Power Inverter
doc at kd4e.com
Mon Sep 15 14:11:07 EDT 2008
Excellent info Craig!
Perhaps a combination of a much smaller inverter and a large
generator would provide some redundancy.
If the generator were to fail one would have some access to
AC power from a vehicle.
Will watch for a reasonably priced generator - once I am
able to sell some spare Ham gear - market is tough out there.
> I understand your line of thinking, but let me throw this out. I
> thought about the same thing until I looked at the numbers. I bought a
> Coleman Powermate 6250 for ~$400. Just before Hurricane Ivan hit us in
> 2k4. This generator puts out 5KW surges to 6250, and runs 11 hours on ~
> 5 gallons of gas. How much gas would it take to run a vehicle at 2000
> rpm for that time? Most alternators in vehicles need a minimum 1500 rpm
> to generate output. See attached image (This is for a 200A Powermaster
> CS144 GM // alternator.) To get 200A out of it, you would have to keep
> your vehicle running ~3500 RPM. You would need two of these in addition
> to your normal alternator to be able to be able to supply the 416A+
> required to put full load on that inverter.
> 73, Craig (KB5UEJ)
Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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