[RFI] I will have you arrested

Edward Swynar gswynar at durham.net
Wed Feb 10 03:58:13 PST 2010

Hi Kelly,

Do what John Q. Public does in similar cases of personal aggravation: find
yourself a lawyer who works strictly on commission, then SUE THE BUMS...!!!

THAT'LL get their attention, and then some...

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly Johnson" <n6kj.kelly at gmail.com>
To: <k9uwa at arrl.net>
Cc: <rfi at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: [RFI] I will have you arrested

> I have several pages of documentation of every call I've made, every
> case # I've opened, etc.  I also have a video showing the interference
> on a "bad day" vs a "good day".  It's a video tape of my radio's
> S-Meter with audio indicating the loud powerline noise.  The S-Meter
> shows S0 on a "good day" and S9+ on a "bad day".  My interference is
> somewhat sporadic.  It is there almost without fail in the summer
> anytime temps > 70 or 80 degrees.  It is minimal during the rainy
> season (ie. now).  The ARRL wrote them a letter a year or two ago and
> that lit a fire under their butt to get them out the next week,
> but...they still didn't fix it and still haven't.  Yes, I may have to
> get ARRL to send out another letter soon.
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 3:36 PM, John K9UWA <k9uwa at arrl.net> wrote:
> > I assume Kelly that you have documented each time you called and the
> > they made to try to fix it?..... If so your next call is to copy all
> > stuff and
> > send it off to the FCC ....
> > Your the little guy screaming at the bottom workerbees.... and getting
> > results.... yes had same thing happen to me a few years ago.... numerous
> > noises... I pinpointed all of them for the crews... and still no
> > But the FCC goes to that CEO and then the workerbees get the stuff
> > DOWN on them to get the stuff fixed.... in my case the VP for our area
> > called
> > me directly on the phone and said... my people will be out there and
> > your problems.... they did... and they fixed it finally... takes a
> > but it
> > does work...
> > John k9uwa
> >
> >> All well and good, but...what if the local utility won't do anything
> >> after you pinpoint the pole? I have been trying to get a bad pole
> >> fixed now for 2.5 years. They've been out here more than once, but
> >> they have so far been unwilling to cut power to the neighborhood long
> >> enough to rebuild the pole with 12KV lines on top. They will look at
> >> the pole. They will listen. They've even tightened a bolt or two on
> >> the lower half of the pole, but they won't get near the top of the
> >> pole. Too bad I can't arrest the CEO of PG&E!
> >
> > John Goller, K9UWA & Jean Goller, N9PXF
> > Antique Radio Restorations
> > k9uwa at arrl.net
> > Visit our Web Site at:
> > http://www.JohnJeanAntiqueRadio.com
> > 4836 Ranch Road
> > Leo, IN 46765
> > USA
> > 1-260-637-6426
> >
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