[RFI] RFI on 1.8 mhz

Joe wa6rkn at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 15:03:21 EST 2013

As I said, house power turned off....so not originating in my house.  No 
UPS' are running.  Don't have portable HF...Hmmm..do have a TH-F6a...could 
use that , I suppose)  No beam...run an off center fed dipole that is U 
shaped with the bottom of the U facing North by NE.  (About 10 degrees from 
True North)

Kurt...I am in Reno...former chairman of the Wide Area Data Group.  (and 
very happy to see what Jim, Steve,  Don, Pat, and Tony are doing with the 
group!  I pretty much stay away from VHF now...I am 95% HF and 5 % 900 MHz 
now.  (Love the 9RS system)  I can be found, pretty near every morning, on 
3.959 around 8 am.

BTW today it's quiet today...5 minutes to noon and the noise is at 7 S 
units....was actually able to hear Gary in Yreka with no problems!

Joe - WA6RKN

BTW..my days in S. Cal go back to the mid '60s...Claremont, where I got my 
first taste of sin as WN6RKN!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "KD7JYK DM09" <kd7jyk at earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: RFI on 1.8 mhz

> Sounds like a fun one to track down.
> Have you isolated it to any particular area, for example, just within your
> house or on your property?
> When you kill the breakers, what else is running at your place with backup
> batteries or a UPS?
> 30-40 over should make it easy enough to hear with a portable radio, can 
> you
> hear it in your house, and does it diminish when you walk away from your
> place?
> Interesting that it's limited to one band, possibly a single oscillator
> circuit in a consumer device, did you change anyhting or buy anything new
> when the noise appeared?  What about noticing spikes, surges or brownouts 
> at
> the time?  I had a CFL bulb, which had been quiet for years produce noise
> after a brownout, it was broadbanded, however, up to around 8 MHz.
> Is there a piece of equipment that you turn on when it appears, or, if one
> that is already on, one that you begin to use when the noise appears?
> Sometimes things produce noise when they come out of standby mode and are
> otherwise silent.
> Your call sounds familiar, where you in the Pasadena area in the mid-90's?
> Kurt

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