[RFI] re Nineteen Hour Noise

David Cole dave at nk7z.net
Mon Jun 3 13:12:20 EDT 2013

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On Mon, 2013-06-03 at 10:17 -0600, Tom Thompson wrote: 
> Hi Dave,
> Yes I have contacted the ARRL.  I helped  Mike Gruber write the ARRL web 
> page on grow lights.  Do you think it is best to deal with these rfi 
> situations one at a time or try to get at the root of the problem and 
> help the manufacturers clean up their ballast as impossible as that may 
> seem?
> Tom   W0IVJ
> On 6/2/2013 6:11 PM, David Cole wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Have you contacted the ARRL?  They are the first step...  You need to
> > keep very good logs of EVERY contact dealing with the RFI.  I have had
> > very good luck with the FCC via a good log method.
> >
> > I have tried to stay totally away from the reason for the lights, and
> > deal with just the RFI alone, I now call them Horticulture lights, not
> > grow lights...
> >
> > I have had some contact with the FCC, and had very good luck there...  I
> > had VERY good logs, one of my neighbors decided he did not need to pay
> > attention as defined in Part 15.  I offered to buy new lamp transformers
> > for him.  It was a bar light, not a horticultural light.  He refused,
> > and basically said too bad...
> >
> > The "Come Hither" letter from the FCC ended the problem within 30 days
> > of receipt.  It did take 6 months to get to that point, and some of that
> > was my delay.  I suspect the fact that I took logs of EVERY single
> > discussion I had had with this person, and supplied proof positive it
> > was from his home is why the FCC sent the letter.  I have only asked for
> > one letter, and I am trying to not abuse it with bad data, or lack of
> > data...  So be very careful, log everything, take notes, make
> > recordings, and separate you feelings from the issue, make sure you are
> > totally right, then and only then contact the FCC or the ARRL.  A just
> > the facts mindset is what is needed...  If you suspect it is a
> > horticulture lamp, mention it if you want, but call it a horticulture
> > lamp, not a grow light.  If folks get the idea that you are some sort of
> > anti-pot warrior, your creditability goes in the dumper...
> >

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