[RFI] Grow-light..

Michael Coslo mjc5 at psu.edu
Fri Mar 28 15:50:20 EDT 2014

On Mar 28, 2014, at 2:26 PM, Larry Benko <xxw0qe at comcast.net> wrote:

> I agree 100%.  This reflector is filled with too many folks who post way too often about what they are going to do tomorrow.  It would be much better if they did something first and then reported afterward about the outcome.  

That is people in general. When all is said and done, much more is said than done.

I’m beginning to think that all Hams are living next door to bloodthirsty drug dealers growing killer weed. Or they think they do.

If a Ham is living next door to people who are looking for an excuse to kill them, they have a bigger problem than RFI, and need to move.

If I were to offer any suggestions about troubleshooting, it would be to not speculate too much on what the problem might be, and to never convince one’s self what the problem is, and then try to prove that is what the problem was. But we see that a lot.

Come on - we’re Hams. We’re supposed to know how to do this sort of thing.

	- 73 Mike N3LI -

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