[RFI] Strange Birdie

Tom Lizak k1tl at cox.net
Fri Aug 14 08:15:23 EDT 2015

I have been having a strange "birdie", which is not coming from this QTH but
bearing around 60 degrees (NE) from my QTH.


This started about 3-4 weeks ago and is on 50.098.  It is a carrier but
sounds like there is which sounds like data, being sent periodically.  It is
present in the early mornings. This seems to repeat itself every 100KHz or
so (e.g. 50.098, 50.198..............51.498, etc.). I am using the CW mode.
Since I'm not at the radio all the time, I did notice that it was not
present one evening @ 9pm !


I do not have any HF antennas erected at present, just the 6m yagi on the
tower and 30m 4sq array but didn't notice anything on that band !


The only thing I can think of is someone has a defective modem/router in a
neighboring house to the N/NE of my QTH.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.




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