Paul Christensen pchristensen at ieee.org
Wed Jan 18 11:01:37 EST 2017

We can add the new Roku/Sling-TV power adapter to the list of extreme RFI
generators.  Interference is most prevalent in the AM broadcast band and it
is intense.  I have attached photos of the Roku power adapter on my QRZ page
at https://www.qrz.com/db/W9AC .  I will keep the images up for a few days.

I dissected the adapter for clues.  Didn't take long because there's no RFI
abatement -- at all.  When the adapter is coupled to the 4 ft. cord that
connects to the Roku HDMI dongle, it then becomes a radiator.  I especially
like the FCC logo stamped on the side.  Sorry folks, but despite any attempt
by the FCC to further regulate Part 15 emissions from these small switching
devices, the cause is too late.  

While Roku can be forced to stop importation of this adapter, far more
non-compliant devices are finding their way in through direct on-line sales,
like eBay.  For us in the states, catching these devices from Asia would
take intense, time-consuming, and expensive shipment scanning at Long Beach,
CA.  Ain't gonna' happen.

I replaced it with an Apple iPad power adapter.  Problem solved.

Paul, W9AC

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