[RFI] 48v DC Clean Power Supply

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Apr 3 15:28:22 EDT 2020

Great news, Jim! We should always be calling vendors/mfrs to fix 
problems like this.

73, Jim K9YC

On 4/3/2020 12:10 PM, Jim McCook wrote:
> Regarding my March 25 post about RFI from a Unifi US-8-60w internet 
> switch on 10 meters:  The neighbor just called for a test and the big 
> noise source is gone.  Apparently his IT guy found a separate power 
> source (not sure what, he wasn't in the mood to discuss it).  His switch 
> is working and my noise is gone. There are some very low level S-2 noise 
> sources that repeat at 16 KHz that I don't remember seeing before, but 
> they are not a concern.  Probably from another switcher somewhere.  73, 

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