Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Fri Dec 18 12:54:46 EST 2020

I can only speak to what worked here.  I used to constantly lose connection
to N1MM and also to my Winkeyer (and later, my YCCC SO2R+ box).all on
separate USB cables.


Occasionally, even at QRP levels.


I was plagued with it. My shack looked like a stockpile of Ferrite had
gobbled up all my cables.


In the end, the one thing that proved most valuable was actually super
simple.  I took a teeny tiny wire...perhaps a #26, stripped a couple inches
of insulation off the end of it and wrapped it around the shell/shield of
one of the USB cables entering my (plasticky) 10yr old laptop.  I attached
that wee pigtail of wire to my station ground with a larger wire.


Voila! 99.9% of my RFI instantly went bye bye.


Good luck.


Mike VE9AA


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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