[RFI] How to proceed?

KD7JYK DM09 kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 28 00:11:15 EST 2020

"Anybody else have stories, tales like this they can relate?"

Similar, before I learned that looking for arcing noise at HF was an 
exercise in frustration, and started looking from VHF, up to the limit 
of my receiver, ~1GHz...

A broken clamp on a power line, the clip for the wire that fed a 
transformer for a house, 14,400 VAC, stepped down to 220 VAC, about a 3 
inch arc, which I had seen, but thought was a yard light, due to the 
color of burning bronze, generated noise carried by all lines in the 
region, covering an area of ~18 square miles.


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