[RFI] Led desk lamps

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Jun 27 05:28:17 EDT 2022

Right. NA6O moved to NorCal after retiring from an EMC lab in IL, and 
has put together a pretty decent EMC lab here. Gary has tested a number 
of widely sold bulbs and found some good ones. His website includes 
links to tutorials and applications notes. Strongly recommended.


Gary's far from a lab rat -- he's a very active contester on the HF 
bands, and has made major contributions to the N6RO contest super station.

73, Jim K9YC

On 6/26/2022 7:37 PM, Kim Elmore wrote:
> Don’t be too quick to assume any and all LED bulbs are RFI screamers. They aren’t.

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