[RFI] Solar Edge / SuRay Update

Bob WA2SQQ wa2sqq at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 13:19:08 EDT 2024

So yesterday Solar Edge reached out to me to request a meeting with one of
their engineers. We had a zoom meeting so they could see the 40m RFI on my
Flex 6500. Remotely he switched my neighbors system on and off. Without any
hesitation they agreed that their system was causing it.

They explained that the optimizers were likely the cause. They said that
they have newly designed optimizers which will be part of all newly
installed systems beginning in 2025. New cables with chokes and a twisted
design are part of the update. So I asked, “so how will you address this
situation, and how soon”?

“Since we are able to verify that you have a problem, we will order the new
optimizers and interconnect cables and have them shipped to the installer.
The time to have the updates installed will depend on the installers
schedule but we hope to have this completed within 30 days”

It sound too good and too easy to be true, but I will remain optimistic and
keep this group posted.

*Best 73 de WA2SQQElmwood Park, NJ"The only dumb questions are those we
don't ask"*

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