[RSM] SS CW K3KU -- RSM addendum

Tom Haavisto kamham69 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 23:31:28 EST 2017

Hi Art

It was a rough one this time around - hoping for better conditions in the
phone version.

Oddly enough, I worked more ONN stations (3) than MB stations (2) and AB
stations (2).  Worked one ENY guy, and missed KP2/KP4.
My 80 meter Q count was down this year compared to previous years, and
there was LOTS of QRP guys this time around.  As long as they end up in my
log, I am a happy camper!

That is one of the interesting things about the sweeps - one needs a
station that plays well on several bands, and you need to know which
sections you can (probably) work on which band.  And its different for
everyone, depending on where you are located.

Will be looking for you :-)

Tom - VE3CX

On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 9:33 PM, Art Boyars <artboyars at gmail.com> wrote:

> Main report, such as it is, is on 3830scores.com.  Disappointing -- second
> year in a row of drop in QSO total.  Is it just a coincidence that I
> switched from CT-DOS to N1MM+ two years ago?  Maybe not; lots of people who
> understand these things say condx were bad on 80M, where I make a lot of my
> QSOs.  Certainly had a loud line of t-storms come through the SE and
> Mid-Atlantic USA just as we were trying to get going on 80M Sunday evening.
> Early Saturday night I heard VE4GV on 20M; pretty loud, but he did not hear
> me -- or anybody else.  He disappeared after a few minutes of fruitless
> CQing.  I finally found Rob again on 20M, loud again, on Sunday at 2113Z.
> That's late enough in the 'Test that I thought I might miss MB again.
> About half an hour later VE4VT answered my CQ on 20M; thanks, Ed.  Loud!  I
> heard Ed later Sunday evening on 40M.  Loud!  No other MB heard.
> I did QSO a few other RSM: VE3CX (reliable), VE3RUA, KE0A.  I also heard
> KG0YL and I think another NDak just at the time I heard Nancy.
> So, the disappointment of falling score is balanced by the joy of working
> several RSM.
> Thanks for the QSOs.  Hope to see you in SS SSB,
> 73, Art K3KU/VE4VTR
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