David Latour ve4dla at gmail.com
Sun May 30 18:52:40 EDT 2021

Finished last night, too busy to join in today. In an official 12:22 of
operations, I scored  150 Q on 3 bands, for 330 pts and 122 mults = 40,260
pts. About 30x more than last year LOL. 16 entities outside of US/Can. No
SA, no Caribe. No 10m or 80m. 40m worked for me Friday night, but not
Saturday afternoon. 15m was strange to listen to, but I worked all 3
stations I found there. Most stations had a lot of patience for the slower
deafer hams. Some didn't. VK, ZM and KH6 all worked. Had a lot of fun.

73 de David VE4DL

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