Jack K0JP vhfplus at gmail.com
Sun May 30 19:43:21 EDT 2021

Well done, David!

The interesting thing is 20 meters was particularly hot in the early 
hours of Sunday morning. We rarely work JA but 0500 to 0620 Sunday 
brought QSOs with multiple JAs and VKs plus an FK8! Oddly, no ZLs were 
worked. Given our antenna it was extraordinary.

On 5/30/2021 5:52 PM, David Latour wrote:
> Finished last night, too busy to join in today. In an official 12:22 of
> operations, I scored  150 Q on 3 bands, for 330 pts and 122 mults = 40,260
> pts. About 30x more than last year LOL. 16 entities outside of US/Can. No
> SA, no Caribe. No 10m or 80m. 40m worked for me Friday night, but not
> Saturday afternoon. 15m was strange to listen to, but I worked all 3
> stations I found there. Most stations had a lot of patience for the slower
> deafer hams. Some didn't. VK, ZM and KH6 all worked. Had a lot of fun.

Shelley, K0MKL

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