[RSM] Sweepstakes

ed_richardson at shaw.ca ed_richardson at shaw.ca
Thu Nov 4 22:26:38 EDT 2021

Now that CQWW is behind us, we are moving along to CW sweepstakes this
coming weekend.  Start time is 2100z (4pm CDT) and ends at 0300z or (9pm
CST) Sunday night local. You are allowed to operate for    only 24 of the 30
hours allote. Statistically the slowest period of time is from 0600z to
01200z. Most folks take that as the rest/sleep time. Just to complicate
things, there is a time change which impacts the local clock but not GMT


Rember you can only work stations once. The common strategy is you work the
close in stations on 80/40, everybody else on 20.  You may be able to run
this contest on 2 bands 40/20. The advantage to going to 15 is just less
QRM. Not a big deal on CW.right?


Some of the rarer sections, like vy1, vyo often don't run and you will only
work them if you call CQ.  For CW, be prepared as everyone needs MB so the
more of us that get on, the easier it will be for all of us.  It is no fun
being the only VE4 on in CW as the moment you call CQ, if have an incredibly
zero beat mono tone pileup to contend with.  Perhaps Rob and Kelly are
prero's at handling this dc tone, but it sure scares me at times.  You
recent attendees of CW academy will do just fine!


So pick your category,

A= low power <150W,

B is high power<1500W

Q= QRP <5

U= Assisted, any power

S= School stations


Dig up your Check (CK). The last 2 digits of the year you were licensed. 


Now make sure your F2 message is set with the correct message format. Your
reply should be in the following order.

Callsign of the other station, progressive serial number, Precedence, your
callsign, Check, your section.


So your first contact will look like this.


W1AW 0001 A VE4XXX 15 MB


Where 0001 is the serial number, A is low power, 15 is 2015, MB is of course


When copying the other stations exchange, N1MM will let you enter the info
in almost any order, in case you missed a part of the exchange and need a


Everyone is looking for the "SWEEP"  where they contact every one of the 83
ARRL sections.  If you are working on your WAS award, no better chance the


.So who is getting on and what Precedence will you be using?    I will
likely be  either high power U or A if no one else takes that category.



Ed Richardson


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