[RSM] Sweepstakes

David Latour ve4dla at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 13:44:06 EST 2021

Not stellar for 12.5 hrs of work. I can't tx on 80 phone, so all those
lovely clear signals were ignored. I worked about 90% of stations I could
hear, so it's obvious I'm not hearing well still. Spent about an hour per
band running - no better than S&P on 15 or 20, futile on 40m. Not a single
qso running 40 for an hour. Saw the same stns over and over again on all
the bands.
Only worked 4 provinces MB, PE, QC, BC. Never heard ONx SK NB NS NL the
North. AB there but unresponsive. Worked GV and CDX, no sign of the
other 4s. The noise blanker works, though. Sections I never hear were
workable - LA MS WY NE SB SD VI. Got PAC but not AK. UN and W1AW logged.
Top areas still CA, DC and TX by 2 - 3X any other. No SDG or SF. No EMA  or
NLI NNY. Never found W1VE.

ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB - 2021

Call: VE4DL
Operator(s): VE4DL
Station: VE4DL

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 12:25

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:    0
   40:   33
   20:   73
   15:   31
   10:    0
Total:  137  Sections = 56  Total Score = 15,344

Club: Radiosport Manitoba


Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

73 de David VE4DL

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