[RSM] Minnesota QSO Party

Jack K0JP vhfplus at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 09:43:24 EST 2022

Just a reminder :

> W0K will be used by K0JP and K0MKL in the Minnesota QSO Party from 
> Kittson County (KIT), grid square EN18rn. The MNQP is active 5 
> February, 2022, from 1400 to 2359 UTC.
> Details for the QSO Party can be found at:

> https://www.w0aa.org/mn-qso-party

> Listed on the MNQP web site are rules, past results, an activity map, 
> and planned rover information page.
> W0K operation will focus on CW and SSB, 80 through 15 meters with 10 
> meters watched for activity. Shelley will operate RTTY occasionally 
> during the MNQP.
> Since W0K is used for various special events, please be sure of the 
> date and event for which you are QSLing.  QSL MNQP via LOTW, or direct 
> with SASE to K0JP.
> Shelley and I hope to work you in the Minneosta QSO Party!


Shelley, K0MKL

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