Art Boyars artboyars at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 15:29:56 EST 2022

I got tricked into organizing a PVRC Team for NAQP CW, so I felt obligated
to make a big effort for my last-six-hours QRV.  459 QSOs 130 Mult's
59,670 points claimed, but expecting some significant log checking
decrease.  Most significant Canadian Plains story was the lack thereof --
VE5UO (20M), and nobody else.

Online report at https://www.3830scores.com/showrumor.php?arg=R3arzosqccygR

Having exhausted myself in the CW end, I was not so excited about NAQP SSB
... until I clicked in to the RSM meeting Thursday evening. That got me
going, though condx at 2330Z were discouraging.  Last 6:30 hours; 376
mostly tooth-pulling QSOs; 77 mult's; 28,952 points claimed, but expecting
even bigger decrease.  Happy to nab VE4GV on 40M (no tooth pulling there!),
but I must have messed up not to QSO VE4VT or VE4EA.  I see also in the
3830scores VA4HZ and VE4DL, and I think I heard some USA runner work
another VE4.  Great turnout from Manitoba!

More detail at https://www.3830scores.com/showrumor.php?arg=rua3zdsqgqvm2

73, Art K3KU

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