[RSM] SKCC Canadian Operator Event

David Latour ve4dla at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 11:33:04 EDT 2022

Good day, all.
I am the Western Regional Co-ordinator for the SKCC Canadian Operator
Event, running the full month of September. I am responsible for scheduling
ops in VE4, VE5, VE6, VE7, VY1, VY0: This year the special event callsign
is VC3Y/VEn. I would like to see my region well-represented in this year's
edition. Last year we held our own against Ontario until very late in the
month. I'd like to see us do better this year.
As this is a Special Event, not a contest, all bands are open to us. The
mode is hand-sent CW: keys, cooties and bugs. No paddle/keyers or
keyboards, please. Speeds as required to match the other op, but typically
10-20 WPM. It is preferred to have an SKCC number (easy to join!, no fee)
for the exchange.
You can get on the schedule by emailing me here, or by the link in the
If you know people outside of RSM who might be interested, please copy them
on this invitation.

73 de David VE4DL   VC3Y/VE4

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