[RTTY] Modifications
John - vk4cej
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 08:29:36 +1000
> For the one that thought we must be really bored to discuss this
> thread - yes - we are bored. There is no RTTY contest this weekend!
> (bits in betweed deleted)
> 73, Don AA5AU
Well Don, and others, to relieve the boredom, how about someone getting hold
of the WF1B source code and making some improvements.. Some that come to
mind are. 1) a 32 bit version (or even a 64 bit one) 2) one that will
run normally on "fast" computers 3)better cabrillo support and 4) other
peoples ideas....
John (I'm not a very good programmer) vk4cej / vk4wpx