[RTTY] DXP38 vs MMTTY tuning faceoff

Kok Chen kchen@apple.com
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 09:56:30 -0700

Bill, W7TI wrote:
> As you indicated, a person should be careful not to overdrive the audio
> stages in the transmitter because harmonics of the lower audio frequency
> may still be within the passband of the rig.  Using frequencies near the
> upper end of the passband reduces this possibility.

How about transmitting at 2 kHz and aurally tuning at 1 kHz (or
even lower?)  One can even convert a 2 kHz centered FSK signal
to a 1 kHz centered one with a PeeCee without modifying the rig.
Inserting a pilot tone somewhere could help with aural tuning,
although it will likely drive you nuts.

Somewhere, probably in some psychology class in days gone by,
I heard that prolonged exposure to loud high audio frequencies
drives you (literally) insane.  And exposure to high levels of low
frequency drives you to the loo.

Perhaps a visual tuning tool is a better idea, afterall :-) :-).  I 
turn the audio output of the rig way down during an RTTY contest,
anyway.  I am sufficiently insane without further help.

Chen, AA6TY