[RTTY] Low participation? + bad practices

Bill Turner w7ti@dslextreme.com
Mon, 07 Jan 2002 19:20:30 -0800

On Mon, 7 Jan 2002 17:41:48 -0500, Shelby Summerville wrote:

>And as long as there is no incentive -extra points- for working DX, it
>doesn't seem logical to spend a lot of time trying for a "weak signal",
>unless it is a multiplier, when you can work domestic much easier?


As much as I love the Roundup, this and the lack of band multipliers are
it's primary failings, IMO.

Can't please everybody, I know, but as Shelby says, incentive really can
make a difference.  I'd like to see a RTTY contest where points are
awarded on distance between grid locators, similar to the Stew Perry
160m Challenge.  If I weren't so lazy, I'd do it myself.  :-)

73, Bill W7TI