[RTTY] Teaching new folk
Phil Cooper
Phil.Cooper at cwgg.cwplc.com
Thu Feb 13 10:07:31 EST 2003
Hi again..........
Well, this topic is getting some good debate!
I have been thinking about some of the problems, and how we could tackle
Seems to me that there are a few things we need to consider.
It would appear that many of the poor signals emanate from Eastern Europe,
and just how do you target those people?
Most stations in the US will soon find the right info, or are generally
easily contacted and then "elmered" by others.
This is not the case for all countries.
Doug N6TQS suggested doing a search from dxpedition logs, which is an
excellent idea! If this group could come up with a basic format for a "data
sheet", then maybe each of us could send it to people in our
What about if it went to places like the 425 DX Info website, where it could
be translated into several languages?
Having seen the number of "how do I produce a Cabrillo log" questions on the
MMTTY reflector since WPX, we need to start getting some of those guys
across to THIS reflector!
In the UK, we have BARTG, which does a lot to promote RTTY contesting and
awards, but it is still hard to convince newcomers to join.
I write articles for them, and will do something about contesting for a
future issue, BUT, we are preaching to the converted in most cases!
I also write stuff about RTTY for CDXC, and will also do something for them.
These are serious DX'ers in most cases, with a minority interest in RTTY.
NCJ might be a good place for an article, or was that done by Jon K1US
I also wonder just how many folk started RTTY simply to try and get P5/4L4FN
in the log, and have since given up??
Is it possible the New RTTY Journal could be persuaded to show samples of
Cabrillo logs for the contests that require them?
I would be more than happy to provide samples of my own Cabrillo files.
I suspect there would need to be at least TWO different samples: one for DX,
and one for W's.
Maybe Waldemar DK3VN would like to add a tab for this on the RULES & RESULTS
page of his RWRL site?
I for one would like to see what JARTS expect as a Cabrillo file for this
year! I know the WT4I tools can produce a Cabrillo file, but will it be in
an acceptable format?
73 for now
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