Andrei Stchislenok asnp3d at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 19:28:34 EDT 2007

Expecting interferences between two Contests - NAQP and the new one - DMC.
Almost the same time frame - why organizers of DMC did not check the
calendar of the RTTY Events? I dod not think that they did it on purpose...

RTTY: 1800Z July 21 to 0600Z July 22, 2007

2007/7/17, Graham Ridgeway <m5aav at btinternet.com>:
> On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 09:52:04 +0300, "Steve and Judy"
> <hodgson at cytanet.com.cy> wrote:
> >Does anyone know anything about the DMC RTTY Contest due to be held this
> weekend ??
> >
> >
> >73  Steve  ZC4Li.
> I'll be around <smile> Well either Me or my 'Contest Alter Ego - aka
> G8UYD]
> *****************
> Rules 2007
> 1.Date and time
> Start: 12:00 GMT -Saturday 21 July 2007
> End: 12:00 GMT -Sunday 22 July 2007
> (3-th weekend of July)
> 2.Categories:
> 1. SOAB-LP
> 2. SOAB-HP
> *SOAB-LP(Single operator, all bands, low power). Maximum power 100
> watts.
> Only one signal is allowed on any one time.SOAB-LP operators may
> change the band in any time. SOAB-LP operators should perform all of
> the operating, logging and spotting functions.
> *SOAB-HP(Single operator, all bands, high power). No output power
> limit on all bands. Only one signal is allowed on any one time.
> SOAB-HP operators should perform all of the operating, logging and
> spotting functions.
> *MOABST-HP(Multi operators, all bands, single transmiter, high power).
> No output power limit on all bands. Only one transmiter and one signal
> on the band is allowed on any one time. MOABST-HP operators may change
> the band once in
> any 5 minute period.
> 3.Bands:
> 80 meters band (3.5 MHz)
> 40 meters band (7 MHz)
> 20 meters band (14 MHz)
> 15 meters band (21 MHz)
> 10 meters band (28 MHz)
> 4.Exchange:
> Signal report + serial number, starting 001
> (Example: 599 001)
> 5.QSO points:
> Each completed QSO scores 1 (one) point.
> 6.Multipliers:
> 1. All DXCC countries and JA, W, VE, and VK areas count as multiplier.
> 2. Continents.
> *Multipliers and continents count only once in the contest regardless
> of band
> 7.Scoring:
> QSO points x Continents (max.6) x Multipliers = TOTAL SCORE
> 8.Log instructions:
> 1) Logs must be submited in CABRILO format by e-mail to:
> dmcrtty at digital-modes-club.org
> 2) All logs must be received by 22 August 2007
> 3) All time must be in GMT
> 4) Logs must be sent as an attachment file
> -The subject line of your e-mail must include your callsign and
> categorie
> (Example: WA2XXX - SOAB-HP)
> 4) Your log can be sent by post to:
> DMC Contest Commitee
> P.O.Box 8
> 6000 Stara Zagora
> Bulgaria
> -Please send us a compatible PCI computer disc containing your
> cabrillo file.Don't forget to label the disc with your callsign and
> your cattegory.
> 5) All logs received after 22 August 2007 will be accepted as "CHECK
> LOG"
> 6) All discs received via post must be claimed no later than 22 August
> 2007.
> 9. Discqualification:
> 1) Violation of the rules; unsportmanlike behavior.
> 2) Actions and decisions of the DMC Contest Committee are oficial and
> final.
> 10. Awards:
> Throphies will be awarded to category winners
> Certificates will be awarded top 5 (five) stations in each category
> Additional prizes:
> -1000 full color QSL cards (personal designed) will be awarded to the
> winners in each category, sponsored by Gold Print Service
> 73 Graham M5AAV
> Please do not forget the TARA sponsored contests...
> See ... http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_seasons.html
> Next one is The TARA Grid Dip Shindig - August 4th 0000Z to 2400Z
> Have fun
> _______________________________________________
> RTTY mailing list
> RTTY at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/rtty

73's Andrei
WAS RTTY #455 (all via LoTW)

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