[RTTY] Rtty contest when Cw contest is on also

Jerry Flanders jeflanders at comcast.net
Thu Mar 15 16:12:18 EST 2007

I suffer intentional anonymous QRM from one or more CW stations in 
nearly every contest. If i just sit there and continue calling 
through them, not reacting in any way, they usually get tired after a 
while and move on.

I think if all of us just ignored the INTENTIONAL CW anonymous QRM, 
we would eventually have less of a problem.

Jerry W4UK

At 01:34 PM 3/15/2007, k0xu at iowadsl.net wrote:
>I have had problems on 80 lately with intentional CW QRM. I do 
>listen, I do send
>QRLs. But this guy just would not quit, so I moved up the band a ways and he
>followed me there. Never did ID, just sent CQs  , etc. I finally moved way up
>the band, but when I was S&P later I heard him on top of someone else.

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