Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Mon Jan 24 19:18:16 PST 2011

Good points have been made on both sides of this thread, but what is missing
for me is the reality that each QSO is a unique situation.  There is not
"correct" way of handling every contact.  "It depends", as they say.

For the vast majority of QSOs, it is not necessary to resend the call sign
after it has already been sent by both stations.  But, depending on band
conditions and QRM, it may very well be prudent to repeat the call sign just
to be sure.  For example, my nominal exchange in Run mode is 'W1ABC 599 CA
CA', but if I hear some QRM just as I start the message, or if for any
reason I think the other person might not be sure who I'm addressing, then I
punch another message key which is  <his call> to append his call sign at
the end of the exchange, i.e., 'W1ABC 599 CA CA W1ABC'.  To the original
point of this thread, if I hear just the exchange, but not his call sign,
from a S&P respondent, this is just fine unless conditions are such that I'm
not sure who sent the exchange.  I then query to be sure ... or, log it,
knowing that I'm taking a chance at a busted QSO that is lost and possibly

The point here is to (1) have an appropriate nominal message, and (2) be
flexible and modify it as the situation dictates.  If you are reasonably
sure the other station has your call sign correct and will not be confused
that the exchange he hears came from you, then leave out the call sign.
This is a contest and the goal is to communicate accurately as quickly as
practical.  OTOH, if you have a doubt, then throw in the (redundant) call
sign, because that is the rational thing to do for effective communication,
let alone contesting.

No matter what, though, you will get burned once in a while.  But that's to
be expected with any approach you take.  There is a statistical nature to
this game, no matter what we think or do.  At each juncture in the contest
period there is a trade-off of speed vs. accuracy.  That's one aspect that
is very stimulating (for me).  So, carefully understand the contest rules
and operate in a way that statistically optimizes your contest goal ...
realizing that you will not, and cannot, be perfect.  (Your contest goal may
be score, or it may be simply getting a confirmed contact from a specific
station.  This will dictate how you deal with this issue.)

Ed Muns - W0YK

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