[RTTY] Multiple Decoders

Jerry Flanders jeflanders at comcast.net
Wed Feb 1 13:00:53 PST 2012

At 03:01 PM 2/1/2012, Kok Chen wrote:
>On Feb 1, 2012, at 10:23 AM, Jerry Flanders wrote:
> > Port it to windows and I will send a check. Just tell me how much.
>It'd cost you $599, but don't send the check to me.
>Someone else (sorry, but I don't do Windows) should be able to 
>easily create an "ATC-diversity" front end for MMTTY.  I.e., run N 
>headless copies of MMTTY, gather the output and send a single 
>decoded character to the screen.

Back in the DOS days I could probably have "piped" several output 
streams into a voting program, but don't have a clue how to do things 
like that in Windows. Maybe it is still possible with windows 
programs (?) - did any of the the old DOS commands get somehow folded 
into windows? Anybody?

Jerry W4UK 

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