Thomas W4HM thomasfgiella at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 09:15:05 EDT 2014

Since getting into the digital modes in 2003 I've been QRM'ed 100's of times
by automatic PACTOR stations on most every HF band. That means 100's of
busted QSO's, many that were very important for me as I worked on RTTY DXCC
and completed in 2009, #2308.

So the whole RM-11708 thing just boggles my mind. One has to ask how the
ARRL could find the QRM situation okay?! It violates one of the most sacred
operating tenets, not to QRM another station already operating on a

BTW I was a member of the "Digital Radio" Yahoo eGroup beginning in 2003. It
was one of the largest (4000+ members) and longest running eGroups out there
in existence for hams to discuss digital modes operation. Some of the eGroup
members that operated PACTOR created such turmoil and hate and discontent
via their postings that very recently the eGroup owner shut it down.

So some PACTOR operators create QRM on the interweb as well as on the air.

73 & God Bless,
Thomas F. Giella W4HM
Lakeland, FL, USA
thomasfgiella at gmail.com

W4HM's Amateur & SWL Autobiography: http://www.w4hm.org
W4HM's Medium Frequency Radio Wave Propagation Theory Notes: 

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