[RTTY] ARRL Minutes
ab5k at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 29 13:22:58 EDT 2014
Here is the ARRL board minutes that started RM-11708. It's interesting to
note that in the minutes there was a motion to NOT have any bandwidth limit
that was defeated and the version that had the 2.8 KHz limit was passed.
2013 Annual Meeting Minutes.pdf - RM-11708 committee was authorized
38. On motion of Dr. Woolweaver, seconded by Mr. Bodson, the following
resolution was ADOPTED:
Whereas, the symbol rate limitations found in the FCC's rules governing the
Amateur Radio Service were codified in 1989, and
Whereas, advances in digital communications techniques have rendered these
limitations obsolete, and
Whereas, the continuation and extension of the amateur's proven ability to
contribute to the advancement of the radio art is a fundamental purpose of
the Amateur Radio Service;
Now therefore be it resolved, the ARRL Board of Directors establishes an Ad
Hoc Symbol Rate Rule Modernization Committee (the Committee), and
Be it further resolved, that the Committee shall evaluate potential
modifications to the Amateur Service rules to permit and facilitate the use
and development of high symbol rate digital communications techniques, and
Be it further resolved, that the Committee shall recommend modifications to
the ARRL Board of Directors for consideration at the Board's July 2013
2013_Second_Meeting_Minutes_FINAL.pdf - RM-11708 committee findings
25. On behalf of the Ad Hoc Symbol Rate Rule Modernization Committee, Dr.
Woolweaver moved, seconded by Mr. Bodson, that:
WHEREAS the symbol rate restrictions presently in Section 97.307(f) of the
FCC Rules no longer reflect the state of the art of digital
telecommunications technology; and
WHEREAS it is in the interests of all amateurs to encourage both flexibility
and efficiency in the employment of digital emissions by amateur stations;
IT IS RESOLVED, that the General Counsel is directed to prepare and file a
Petition for Rulemaking seeking the modification of Section 97.307(f) to
delete all references to symbol rate and to apply to all amateur data
emissions below 29.7 MHz the existing bandwidth limit, per Section
97.303(h), of 2.8 kHz.
Mr. Norton moved, seconded by Mr. Bodson, to delete all after "symbol rate"
in the last paragraph. After discussion the amendment was DEFEATED. After
further discussion, the motion as originally proposed was ADOPTED.
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