[RTTY] [CQ-Contest] LoTW confirmation rates

Peter Laws plaws at plaws.net
Wed Feb 12 15:22:16 EST 2014

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 6:49 PM,  <Ktfrog007 at aol.com> wrote:

> I concur with your findings.  Digital folks really like eQSL, as do  I.  A
> lot of folks seem to vehemently dislike it, but I like to see QSLs  and save
> my favorites into a folder and run it as a slide show when I'm not  using

As long as you can fish for QSLs with it I'm not interested.
Otherwise it's fine.

I have, waiting for me to do something about them, 1331 "eQSLs"
waiting in my inbox.  One of them is from a 4Z.  It's bold, so that
means the authenticity is guaranteed.  I really should confirm it
because I've never worked a 4Z or any other 4X station, so that would
be a real treat.

Fix that and I'll sign up.

BTW, on LOTW I'm about 50%.  All QSOs are post 1991 and the bulk of
them are post 2004 (with a scattered Qs between those two years - many
confirmed).  *My* fervent wish is that more folks On The Ultra-highs
would use LOTW!  I have VUCC on 50 MHz but I'd be much closer to 200
grids if more ops were on.

Peter Laws | N5UWY | plaws plaws net | Travel by Train!

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