[RTTY] ARES E-Letter for July 16, 2014
Robert Chudek - K0RC
k0rc at citlink.net
Thu Jul 17 15:11:17 EDT 2014
This event does not compare to a typical "parade" or "bike race". Take a
look at the investment in the "vehicles" that participate in this
corporate sponsored race. After gawking at the 15 teams and their
vessels, scroll down the page to discover the sponsors of these events.
In addition, the race rules contain procedures for communications, which
is via standard commercial equipment using non-amateur radio frequencies.
Link to race reference materials: http://www.vicmaui.org/resource
Specific wireless communications document:
Look at *Page 20* for the Emergency Communications protocol. These are
all commercial services. The need for use of amateur radio would be
secondary and, as mentioned, a public relations ploy at best. *Page 22*
mentions radio training courses offered by the North Shore Amateur Radio
Club. I wonder if this might be the "point of insertion" where Winlink
is proposed as a free alternative to the commercial services?
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
On 7/17/2014 12:09 PM, Ron Kolarik wrote:
> Joe the event is no different than an annual parade or bike race with
> amateur radio support and since
> the US Power Squadron is one of the served agencies for ARES it's
> nothing to get excited about.
> On the other hand, why is a thank you letter to the Winlink team even
> in there?
> Ron
> On 7/17/2014 10:38 AM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
>> Since the e-letter does not assert copyright and it is publicly
>> distributed, I *will* copy the specified article here as being of
>> general interest:
>>> Open Letter to the Winlink Team: Thanks from a Mariner
>>> I wanted to drop the Winlink managers and operators a sincere note of
>>> thanks and gratitude for volunteering the use of your amateur radio
>>> equipment on the Winlink system. I am on a 45-foot sailboat nearly
>>> 1,000 miles offshore sailing in the Victoria-to-Maui race; one of 14
>>> boats this year. It is our seventh day at sea. I am also the
>>> communications vessel for the fleet. We, and I'm sure a few other
>>> boats in our fleet with amateur operators have been connecting to
>>> your stations to access race vessel position info and vital wind and
>>> weather predictions. We have also had need to relay medical advice
>>> related to an injury on another boat and assist with another boat
>>> that had a catastrophic steering issue and is limping into San
>>> Francisco. I cannot convey enough thanks for the comfort of hearing
>>> the Pactor modem connect to each of you with a clear strong signal.
>>> We connect with and reassure our relatives and friends ashore that we
>>> are safe and are enjoying ourselves and I share a daily journal of
>>> our experiences with about 500 people. If you wish to follow our
>>> daily journal, send an email to Dan Pearce at frigidkid at gmail.com.
>>> Again, many thanks from everyone aboard! -- Paul Michael, KD7JST,
>>> Navigator, s/v Family Affair
>> This is simply another case of commercial interests subverting amateur
>> radio for commercial purposes (coordination and management of a race).
>> All of the communication for this commercial endeavor could have been
>> handled as effectively via maritime or satellite channels and, as such,
>> this regularly scheduled event has no business QRMing legitimate ham
>> activities.
>> 73,
>> ... Joe, W4TV
>> On 2014-07-17 10:06 AM, Ben Antanaitis - WB2RHM wrote:
>>> All,
>>> To avoid copyright violation, I will only post this reference to
>>> today's
>>> "The ARES E-Letter for July 16, 2014",
>>> See Item titled: "Open Letter to the Winlink Team: Thanks from a
>>> Mariner".
>>> 73, Ben - WB2RHM
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