[RTTY] RM-11708 question

Terry ab5k at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 16 17:30:53 EDT 2014



Sorry if this has been asked before but in reference the filing that the
ARRL made to the FCC:  http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/document/view?id=7520958815


On page 11 there is a line that says  "While specification of any maximum
bandwidth for HF data emissions, and if there is to be one, what it should
be are both reasonably debatable topics, ARRL suggests that on balance, a
maximum bandwidth for data emissions in the HF spectrum should be 2.8


The key wording that bothers me is  "if there is to be one".   If I read
this correctly, the ARRL is saying we would really like to de-regulate
digital emissions with no bandwidth limit,  but if a bandwidth is needed,
2.8 KHz is reasonable.   If I'm reading this correctly,  the FCC might come
back with  maximum bandwidth greater than 2.8 KHz or remove it all together?
Surely I am not reading that correctly.     






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