[RTTY] [RBN-OPS] Re: Multiple spots RTTY [3 Attachments]

Pete Smith N4ZR n4zr at comcast.net
Sat Feb 4 16:53:56 EST 2017

Interesting! How would you generate two separate sets of mark and space 
frequencies with different spacing but the same call.  Is this a 
possible outcome from overdriven AFSK?

I don't think they should be showing up as busts in the CT1BOH 
algorithm, but as QSYs.

I'm taking the liberty of copying the RTTY contesting reflector on this 
- I think someone there probably has the answer

73, Pete N4ZR
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On 2/4/2017 3:52 PM, mail at df4ue.de [RBN-OPS] wrote:
> I just found a ham from YU on 40m creating many double spots at 
> several skimmers.
> I attach some screen shots.
> Btw. none of these spots was quoted "busted" from the CT1BOH algorithm....
> John DF4UE
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