[SCCC] Generator giveaway - 41 e-mails later!

Wayne Overbeck overbeck6 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 27 05:04:30 EDT 2006

I arrived home about 10:30 p.m. Wednesday and checked 
  my e-mail for the first time all day.  There were 41 e-mails 
  concerning the two generators I'm giving away.  I heard from 
  a bunch of old friends from w-a-y back as well as from 
  lots of people I've never met.  There were messages from 
  representatives of eight different clubs that are dear to 
  my heart because they have hosted me as a guest speaker--
  and then invited me back to speak a second time!
  Here's the list of winners in this early-bird-gets-the-worm 
  I posted the offer on the SCCC and WSWSS lists about 2 
  a.m.  The first message arrived at 3:48 a.m. from W6RTW, 
  who claimed the Makita generator on behalf of the Riverside 
  (County?) Amateur Radio Club, W6TJ.  He or someone 
  from Riverside will need to make a trip down the 91 soon.
  I know some Riverside people get up early to commute 
  long distances, but 3:48 a.m.????  Good grief!
  The second e-mail, posted at 5:54 a.m., was from NT6AA.
  He said he'll take either generator, so the Onan is his if 
  he wants it.  The third posting was from K1USC at 6:14 
  a.m.  He wanted the already-claimed Makita.  Fourth was 
  N6VI at 6:17 a.m.  He also wanted the Makita.  KB6SSF 
  wrote at 6:24 a.m. to say he would like to have both 
  generators for the Inland Empire Amateur Radio Club.
  From there on, the list reads like the results of Field Day or 
  the June VHF contest.  I think this means both generators 
  will have good foster homes soon.
  Thanks to everyone who sent me a note.  I wish I had 41 
  generators to give away.
  Wayne, N6NB

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