[SCCC] Intentional QRM

Tom Rauch w8ji at contesting.com
Mon Jan 14 10:38:41 EST 2008

I agree piles can be rude and seem to be getting worse. I 
worked a CU1 a week ago but someone spotted him as a 5B or 
something. Then for the next two hours people kept working 
CU1CB and saying things like "tnx nr 200 5B1xx". The CU1 was 
giving his call, but so many people were calling that 
couldn't hear him that most people thought it was the 
callsign that was wrongly spotted. But that was simplex, and 
there will always be people that can't really hear the DX 
making cluster QSO's and bragging about them.

I'm puzzled by this thread, because the J5 is doing things 
right. He is using a wide split....

>> Last night I had to work J5C 3 times to think I had one 
>> QSO. Not because
>> I couldn't hear him. I just happened to choose a great 
>> freq where he
>> could hear my call. So could the lids. All the lids and 
>> kids were
>> calling on my freq  while I tried to complete the QSO. 
>> And I never did
>> get a firm confirmation of contact, so had to work him 
>> again today.

When a DX station is operating with a reasonable split, say 
over 2 kHz to keep out of the clicks, how can a station 
calling on the split frequency cause anyone to be unsure of 
the contact? I don't understand that. While I agree people 
need to NOT call when they can't hear and to limit the 
calling to a reasonable and proper time, it seems to me 
unless someone is calling on top of the DX what people up 
the band do would never affect my knowing if I made a good 

So what was the real cause of being unsure of the QSO???? 
Something doesn't make sense. Perhaps the REAL problem is 
the J5 is not properly confirming the QSO in his response??

73 Tom 

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