[SCCC] Cheaters Run Amunk - Assisted vs Non-Assisted

Dave Hachadorian k6ll at arrl.net
Tue Nov 6 06:49:13 EST 2012

I was Unlimited, and pretty quick on the draw, especially on 
Sunday.  The ones I remember that showed up early with me were 
W6YI, KO7AA, and KY7M, all Unlimited or Multiop.  It's a good 
ideal to make a list.  I'll try to remember that next year. 
Someone in Unlimited with a big score is in a perfect position to 
make such a list.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, Arizona

-----Original Message----- 
From: Timothy Coker
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 12:10 AM
To: Bill Haddon
Cc: SCCC Reflector
Subject: Re: [SCCC] Cheaters Run Amunk - Assisted vs Non-Assisted

The 2nd radio with scope makes good sense. I would also imagine 
SO2R guys can tune across a band rather quickly just listening 
for big
pileup activity? Not taking away from what Art heard, as I bet 
some were
cheating... but maybe some of the SO1R guys with a scope would 
see similar
activity and QSY quickly to determine what is going on? SDR's 
with blind
waterfalls on the screen would also fall into this category of 
guys being able to see what is not on their frequency.


Tim / N6WIN

On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 7:03 PM, Bill Haddon 
<haddon.bill at gmail.com> wrote:

> Art,
>  The SF section was moderately rare this year and the pileups 
> were
> ear-crushing at times -- maybe sometimes 20 stations calling at 
> once on 15
> and 80m . . a thrill for my 200 watts ("B" this year).  When 
> working a U
> category stn in the quieter times there would often be a surge 
> in the next
> 2 to 5 minutes.  But mostly these other were "U" stations, as 
> would be
> required in an honest environment. [if you wish, send me a list 
> of the
> calls, and I'll examine them in my log]
> Based on some comments on the NCCC reflector, there's another 
> explanation
> for what you observed: many (most?) of the top stns are SO2R, 
> and often the
> 2nd radio is used to scope big pileups, especially if there's a 
> spectrum
> display on the 2nd radio.  The implication is that these 
> pileups represent
> rare sections.  It's a very sensible strategy.
>  In my own case, I do not use any spotting nets, fills, or even 
> super check
> partial anymore.  But I do use a keyer and I wear glasses to 
> improve
> vision!
> I'll look at my log again and report back if there's any 
> evidence of what
> you mention.
> 73 Bill n6zfo
> On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 6:34 PM, Art - W6KY <w6ky at yahoo.com> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Observation:
> >
> > I was super casual in the ARRL SS using the
> > 'Assisted' category. N1MM actually distinguishes
> > between sections you have worked and those you
> > need by color code in the bandmap...
> >
> > I noticed that in less than a minute between a rare
> > (OBB) section being posted and the frequency would
> > explode. I started writing down the calls. Almost all
> > the calls have since posted to 3830 as non-assisted.
> > Many of the calls were instantly recognized by me
> > as high end contesters.
> >
> > This happened over and over as rare sections were
> > posted. Am I missing something? The ability to 'sense'
> > that missing mult on another freq/band?
> >
> > It was fun to watch. I recorded over 50 calls that have
> > since posted non-assisted that were able to find that
> > rare section sometimes within seconds...
> >
> > I honestly don't care. Anything past a straight ket, #2
> > pencil and Big Chief notebook paper is assisted. But
> > for those of you trying to be honest, you should know
> > there are many who aren't....
> >
> > 73, Art  W6KY
> > www.w6ky.com
> > ps; I worked VE3ZI (ONN) at 23:59:59  Honest!!!
> > 74 sections on 223 Q's  Chasing Mults
> >  .............................................
> >
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