[SCCC] Thanks!

Wayne Overbeck overbeck6 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 26 04:52:22 EST 2013

I'd like to thank everyone who offered suggestions about web design and HTML.

I didn't know how much I didn't know.  I guess I'd better toss my pre-millennium edition of "HTML4 for Dummies" and get a new guidebook.
Sadly, Netscape Composer 4.5 seems to be out of date.  I'll miss it, but then I miss Wordstar and CP/M, too.

I didn't even know that the narrow column on the left or right side of a web page was called a "sidebar."  I never had a web site with a sidebar until N6NB.com grew one two days ago.  All I had was hundreds of pictures and thousands of words of text, primitively displayed in single-column format.

I had no idea what "CSS" means.  I thought CSS was something of interest to urban planners because CEQA requires them to protect CSS to avoid destroying the habitat of threatened species such as CGs. (Translation:  The California Environmental Quality Act requires planners to protect coastal sage scrub to avoid destroying the habitat of threatened species such as California gnatcatchers.)  There are seminars about CSS that have little to do with cascading style sheets.

Regardless of what I learn about the real CSS, the link to the Open Source Web Design page will be very helpful.  Thanks, Prasad.

Thanks to Jim, AF6O, for sending me a line of HTML code to help vertically align the new sidebar in N6NB.com.  The appearance in IE, Firefox and Safari is the same, give or take a few pixels.  The display is about the same with Android and Apple mobile devices as well.

73, Wayne, N6NB

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