Paul Gordon N6LL n6ll at pacbell.net
Thu Jun 4 13:22:27 EDT 2015

I only met Gordon once, about two years ago. He was friendly and 
cordial, and I suspect was still lunching at the country club until very 

I find I know very little about his ham exploits. Has anyone written 
about the founding of the SCDXC or of his exploits with W7RM at 
Foulweather Bluff?

Thank you, Ray N6VR, for your story. Yes, W6RR will rest in peace.

Paul, N6LL

On 6/4/2015 7:00 AM, Richard J Norton wrote:
> Today's Los Angeles Times has an obituary of Gordon Marshall, W6RR.
> Old friend that a group of us used to have lunch with occasionally, but
> totally lost interest in radio in the past few years.
> 73,
> Dick
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