[SCCC] What are everyone's plans for June VHF Contest This Weekend?

Tim Goeppinger timgep at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 8 23:22:06 EDT 2020

This is text from an email that I am sending out to local VHF ops that I have worked in several recent contests.  Some of it is remedial info targeted at new ops, so don't be offended.

For me it is that exciting time of year again, for THE BIG KAHUNA of VHF contests, the ARRL June VHF.  I will be roving again, this time in the common 4 L.A. basin area grids.  As usual, I will be on the 4 low bands as a Limited Rover (6, 2, 222 FM, and 440).

I plan to start the contest somewhere in DM04, such at the Malibu Mountains.  Late afternoon I plan for Signal Hill DM03 until sundown. I might do a little DM13 with my rover at home in the evening.

Sunday morning  I will start in DM13, maybe from a hill that overlooks Lake Matthews in Riverside, the hill in Newport Beach or in Diamond Bar,  then I will drive up to Keller Peak DM14, and stay most of the day.  All of this is subject to change.  If 6 meters opens up, I will stay at a grid as long as it is open.

There are a couple of trends I have noticed during the Spring VHF Sprints 1. With so many people still staying at home due to the pandemic, activity in contests is WAY up.  During this year's 50 Mhz Sprint in May, my log had 3 times the number of contacts, compared to last year.  2. There are many, many new operators on VHF, many of them on FM on 2 meters and 440.  I am planning to pay much more attention to 2 and 440 FM this year, so I will see you on 146.52, and .55 simplex and 446.0 Simplex, vertically polarized.

Lets try to kick the contest off well the first 2 hours by contacting each other on 6 meter SSB in the range of 50.125 and 50.140.   We can QSY to 2 , 220 and 440 to "run the bands".  This way we won't get bogged down on FT8 making slow local contacts.

I will be on APRS again using an app on my phone.  You can track me on APRS by going to www.aprs.fi, and searching for N6GP-10, or follow this link:  https://aprs.fi/#!call=a%2FN6GP-10&timerange=3600&tail=3600

Look for our friend Javier XE2CQ in Tijuana be on 2m and 440 from DM12 this contest. This is a good opportunity to work a new country on 2 and 440

Remember, a rover can be worked each time they are in a new grid.  I will appreciate the contacts.  It often takes 2 hours drive time and setup between grid changes.  Be patient.  Hope springs eternal for 6 meter openings, but I'm not counting on it.

Social media groups have boosted the number of rovers participating now.  There were 57 rovers to compete against last year, and the East Coast ones have a huge advantage with more population.  Any QSOs you could throw my way would be appreciated.   In return, I will give you the opportunity to make 16 QSOs to boost your score.

Please join the Facebook Group for So Calif VHF Contesters here https://www.facebook.com/groups/237955553774654/

 Please promote the contest as a good simplex operating exercise in your ARES/RACES/ACS groups!

Tnx & 73, and see you on the VHF Bands!

Tim Goeppinger,  N6GP/R

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