[SCCC] For Sale: Bandpass Filters and Triplexer

Bruce Horn bhorn at hornucopia.com
Tue Apr 25 09:19:24 EDT 2023


Selling a complete set of new (never used) 4O3A High Power Band Pass Filters, Series S, 160m-10m. Rated at 2500W (no fan), 4500W (with fan). - $1500. (current price from 4O3A $2600+). Technically, the 40m filter was used in one CQWW contest when I loaned it to N6AA and W6XD for an A4 multi-op.

Also, selling a new (never used) companion 4O3A High Power HFC3000 Triplexer (same power ratings as bandpass filters) - $250. (current price from 4O3A for an HFC4500 triplexer is $500+)

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at hornucopia.com)

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