[SCCC] Call For IDXC - Visalia Photos and News

Dennis Younker NE6I NE6I at cox.net
Wed Apr 26 19:40:04 EDT 2023

Hi all,


If you have any photos, news, or comments about the recently completed IDXC
(Visalia) DX Convention that you'd like to share for publication in SCCCORE,
please send them along. This is short notice for the May edition so we may
spill over into June but that's okay.


I might be missing them but I don't see any big announcements from ham radio
manufacturers. I guess there is no new Elecraft K5, Yaesu FTDX102, Kenwood
TS-995 or Icom IC-7620. Hi hi, but seriously, send along any notes you have
and photos too. 


Please note that you should reply to me privately as the reflector does not
allow attachments. 


Thanks in advance!


--Dennis NE6I



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