[SCCC] NS Ladder #37 Wk 1 -Thursday night

Bill Haddon haddon.bill at gmail.com
Thu Jan 25 02:55:01 EST 2024

First, a reminiscence from NSL I, held 20 years ago as an NCCC only event. There was a tie between K6XX and K6VVA for 1st place. Our NCCC president, ND2T, awarded a  book to the two winners titled “How to Cure Your Addictions.“ We’ll see Thursday night if the book’s instructions were followed. But we know the answer. 

NSL 37 Wks 1 and 2 serve as a warm-up/practice for the upcoming NAS CW contest (Feb 4, 0000-0400Z) But we ask stations to use LP in the NSL. 

NSL Time: 0230-0300Z,  5 bands 15-160, 40-47 kHz up or 1815+/- with a 1 KHz QSY rule.  Let’s hope for >50 participants so as to keep pace with N3QE’s new Thus night RTTY half hour contest, which preceeds the NS. 

Again, I thank Bruce, WA7BNM for his posting the NSL 3830 forms, and Tim N3QE for the upcoming weekly NSL summaries. 

(And be sure to see Tim’s new “subway map of contests “ and his “Periodic Table of Contests” at radiosport.world.  

73 Bill N6ZFO. 

Sent from my iPhone

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