[SD-User] V9.95 Released.

Ian White, G3SEK Ian White, G3SEK" <g3sek@ifwtech.co.uk
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 17:32:47 +0000

Hello Paul

>Please let me know what you'd like to see in the next update,

Well, you did ask...

1. Voiding a logged QSO:

One of the nicest features of SD is the real-time editing of QSOs that 
have already been logged, with automatic updating of the dupe and 
multiplier lists. However, SD won't let you make a logged QSO totally 
void, because there always has to be a valid callsign in the CALL field.

Entering a valid but fictional callsign is not a good workaround, 
because you have to think about its effects on the mult list, and it 
also goes into the dupe list. Then you have to remember to find that QSO 
when editing the log after the contest, and change it yet again.

As a simple way out, could VOID be recognised as a special "callsign" 
entry which automatically scores no points? (It should also not go on 
the dupe list.)

2. Timed repeat on the F1 CW memory:

A variable parameter such as $5 at the end of the message, so that TEST 
#R #R TEST&5 would repeat the CQ after 5 seconds (unless interrupted by 
starting to type a call, or pressing any other key).

3. QSY back to original frequency after using QM:

When S&Ping, it's very handy to use Quick Memory to store calls and 
frequencies to be revisited later. But if you use QM while part-way 
through an S&P sweep, it's easy to forget how far up/down the band you'd 
got to...

When you press F10, it would be very nice if SD could store the 
*present* frequency, before QSYing to the frequency of a QM "spot". When 
you either successfully log that call as a QSO, or else put it back into 
the QM list, SD could then QSY you back to the original frequency. Then 
you could either continue tuning, or use QM again.

I hope some of these might be useful... and even possible!

73 from Ian G3SEK