[SEDXC] So long...

JT Croteau jt.w6fo at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 13:04:57 EDT 2006

I need to add one thing to this as a couple people have commented.  I
am not leaving the reflector based upon Keith's one comment to the
reflector about me taking on a second job.  I can handle comments like
that and I have great respect for Keith, he's a great guy.

The comments I am getting in private are a bit more harsh, here are some quotes:

"You broke Chaz's rig, you better compensate him for this otherwise
you are stealing!"

"Time for you to get a new hobby buddy."

"You gotta pay if you wanna play the DX game, if not go back to 2M FM!"

I'm quite ashamed and disgusted by comments like this regardless of
who they are said to, why would I want to be associated with people
like this?  I realize that this is most likely just a few bad seeds
amongst the majority of fine OM's but enough is enough.

As Keith suggested, I'd get a second job if I wasn't already working
70 to 80 hours a week trying to get a relatively new small business
off the ground.  My schedule is extremely sporadic and it would
therefore be unreasonable for anyone to hire me part time at this
moment.  People can't sit in a cubicle all day and compare jobs to the
small business owner struggling to get a new company off the ground,
especially when many times I am at the airport at midnight, after
working a 10 hour shift in the store, importing a livestock shipment
and have to be wided eyed and bushy tailed a few hours later to greet
customers with a smile on my face.

- JT

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