[SEDXC] Lawrenceville Hamfest

Gary McConville wb4sq at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 12 21:04:14 EDT 2006

Well Gang,

We are still a bit light on manning our SEDXC table at the hamfest. 
Here's who's currently committed (and probably should be):

 8AM -  9AM   WB4SQ (Gary)
 9AM - 10AM   N4ZZK (Al)
10AM - 11AM   ND4V (Mike)
11AM - noon   W4OWY (Bob), KC4AA (Bill)
noon -  1PM   
 2PM -  3PM
 3PM -  4PM   WB4SQ (Gary)

If you haven't 'DXed' from our table, you're missing some great

Gary - WB4SQ

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