[SEDXC] Fw: Update-SABLE ISLAND Dxpedition - October

David Johnson jdavid1 at mindspring.com
Sat Jun 20 08:55:53 PDT 2009


I have just a few of you folks' address; please pass our best wishes to the other club members.  Again, we the "CY0 Sable Team" appreciate your support.  We wanted to just touch base and let you know that all is on target.  Our pre-planning and preparation continues to move along.  A few items of interest perhaps discussed below:


A challenge for us is to keep the weight allowance under control.  The charter aircraft limits us to 1400 pounds total weight.  That includes body weight for the team (3), personal items, equipment, antennas, computers, food, EVERYTHING.  The weight creeps upward pretty fast and must be watched carefully.


It looks like the low bands will still be very productive ones as Cycle 24 lingers.  I personally am pleased and excited to have the Battle Creek Special going with us.  There seems to be lots of interest on 160 by the EU's and others as well.


One thing that we are "not" is experience RTTY operators.  However, the recent few weeks we have equipped our stations with the necessary computer interface, software, etc. and becoming a bit more enlighten on RTTY operation.  We've made a number of contacts and pleased to have this set up and ready.  NCDXF in particular encouraged us to include RTTY.


Web traffic continues to increase from world-wide QTH's.  Certainly, we know CY0 not one of the most rare spots..but it does look like many are looking for it to fill in a mode/band combo and hopefully it'll be an interesting event and promote activity for our wonderful hobby.   Thanks..we appreciate the support; we can't express that enough!!   We look forward to working you. 


(  www.CY0dxpedition.com )



Randy - N0TG/CY0 and team (Murray-WA4DAN, Ron-AA4VK)

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