David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Sat Aug 13 17:02:49 PDT 2011

I have three Heil boom/mic sets.  One is an early BM-10 that my friend in LA 
made me some cushions that are far better than the original Heil
that have to be replaced every so often. This has the HC-4 element. The 
second is a BM-10 that I bought from KR4DA when he was moving to Florida in 
the 1990's. I use this with an older Icom  and I use it through a Nel-Tec 
voice keyer that has a pre-amp.  This one has the HC-5 element.  Neither of 
these fully cover the ear which was a requirement of Rich K7SZ.  The final 
and newest Heil is a Pro micro which has better ear coverage.  I bought this 
one with the Yaesu connections from HRO about 10 years ago.  This too has 
the HC-4 element.

I used a Telex ProCom 200 (its on the shelf) that does have full ear 
coverage.  Its wired for the Icom and is an electro tet that requires an N 
battery in the inline pre-amp.  Worked fine but has lower output that the 
Heil BM-10.

My best headphone is an old Telex Twin set that came from a Gray Audiograph 
from my Dad's office.  It has a miniture speaker in the plug (regular 1/4" 
plug) and audio is piped to the ears via plastic tubes.  The tips fit into 
your ear and are a little uncomfortable at first then you forget you are 
using headphones.  I first used these in the 1958 ARRL SS phone (AM phone 
that is) and used them until I got the Heil.  A couple of times I forgot I 
had them on and nearly pulled my ears off HI.  These really worked great 
with my Drake R4B on 160.

I have always had a noisy ham shack and you learn to have tunable ears to 
ignore back ground noise.  Blowers do bother me but if you are working 
stations all you hear are the callers.

And please no speakers.  I only use a speaker if I have a guest in the ham 

73 Dave K4JRB 

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