[SEDXC] LA ham needs help on RTTY to work ST0R

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Mon Jul 25 20:58:49 PDT 2011

My friend Ray W5EW made honor roll last year and is trying to work ST0R.  He 
has called on 30 CW and copies them pretty well on 30 RTTY.

He has a problem on splits on RTTY.  He is using an Icom 761 to a 6BTV 
vertical with plenty of radials.  He cannot split off the necessary Khz to 
get both waterfalls in his DM 780 screen.  He uses HRD and has the Navigator 
interface and so long as they are only a Khz or two apart he does OK.

He needs someone to tell him how to do these splits.  Most of the hams near 
his QTH in Houma, LA do not operate RTTY or DX.

If you can help please direct a reply to w5ew at comcast.net and CC me.

Thanx es 73
Dave K4JRB 

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