[SEDXC] Upcoming DXpedition to Mozambique

Tad Williamson tadwf4w at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 13:49:04 EDT 2013

At the suggestion of another member of the SEDXC, I thought I would provide
this information.
C82DX will be on the air in mid-October for 11 days, concentrating on
low-bands.  The webpage for this DXPedition is www.c82dx.com
Noted DXpeditoners N1DG and N4XP are heading up this group that includes
NF4A and W6OAT among an excellent group of operators.
I'm tagging along to see if I can hand out a few contacts.  Actually, I am
very honored to have been asked along on this DXPedition and I hope to work
many of you.

73, Tad, WF4W


"What a long, strange trip it's been"

The Grateful Dead


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